RAW is what I call Real Art Wins. It’s normal my paintings change. I hear people say “oh but that’s not the same as you did last year, your colours have changed, the look has changed” and all I can say to that is “can you imagine how boring I would be if I always did the same thing”. I want to explore too. If you wrote books with the same characters wouldn’t that be a bit boring? The sensitivity of the work might be the most repetitive thing about my paintings because that is a layer of me that might never change. Do I always want to paint with blue? No! Do I always want to paint small format? No! Do I always want to paint with big sweeping brushstrokes? No! No! No! So please don’t ask me to paint something that I did last year. I have moved on. I am like the sea, ever changing. I am not the same person as I was a year ago. I am not necessarily better or worse I am just different. And tomorrow I will be different again, thank goodness!