So I chucked out all the sitting-room furniture and spread my stuff around and this is what happened. No it’s not a mess, it’s being in the creative zone. You find things that have been in storage for years, things you had forgotten about. I drew his face in 1989 using charcoal and chalk. I saw a photo of him in the newspaper and did my version of his portrait. It was his eyes that really entranced me back then. I still think he had one of the most fascinating faces. My only regret is that I never met him. I like to imagine what my life would have been like if I had met him. To have just sat in his presence for even five minutes. The world is full of inspiring people and one of my aims in life is to meet as many as I can even if it’s just to shake hands. Last week I shook hands with Mary Lincoln, of Ardmore Pottery, the week before with Frankie Gavin, the World’s fastest fiddler. Who will it be next? I thrive on meeting great people. It means a lot to me. They don't have to be famous or even well known, quiet simple people can be great too. I once met a man in the waiting room of a hospital, when I was waiting for my Mum. He had just celebrated his 100th birthday. I actually welled up with tears as I shook his hand. I had never met anyone who had lived to such an incredible age. He was very proud of himself and the cutest thing was when I asked if I could take his photo he said, yes, but please use my left side profile as it’s better than my right hand side. Can you believe it! I asked him what his secret was for reaching that age and being so fit and healthy. He told me it was down to hard work. And, he said, he had just written and published his first book. Wow, as you can imagine, I still remember that moment like it was yesterday.