Teresa Ellen Fitzgerald

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8-Welcome 2023

This year I plan on having my first small solo exhibition. Where? I am not sure of yet. A bit of a trial and error scenario. In our village there is a hall which was the Fisherman’s Hall. I love the view over the harbour. I’ve never had a solo exhibition so let’s see how it goes. I have also accepted the fact that no matter how many hours you put into your art practice it is no guarantee that you will every make a penny. So I am also busy up-skilling. If you ever are in Dunmore East and would like to see some of my work please do give me a shout. I love meeting and chatting to new people. There are a couple of places to sit with a coffee, or tea if you prefer, and absorb the invigorating and beautiful scenery. The photo on this post is of the mad bunch of people who were charging into the freezing sea for their Christmas swim. Needless to say I am not in the photo but taking it.

Have a wonderful year!